A message from the OCGOP Chairman. You may also click the Facebook icon on the header of the OldhamCountyGOP.org website.
On behalf of myself and the OCGOP
Congratulations to:
* The candidates who won their Primary election and will be representing Oldham County, or the judge candidates who finished in the top two and will face off in November.
* The candidates who were not successful but gave Oldham Countians a choice on the ballot.
We would like to celebrate all of the candidates who ran for office at the next OCGOP meeting on Tuesday, May 24 at 6:30 at the Oldham County Library, La Grange branch.
Thank you to:
* The many volunteers at the polls who once again made voting go smoothly. We heard lots of compliments about the process and efficiency.
* Those volunteers that assisted candidates in their run for office. It was great to see so many people taking time to knock on doors, put up signs, etc.
* A big thank you to all the campaigns who were out taking down their signs the day after the election. I think we set a record for the number of signs that were placed throughout the county! It may take a few days to get them all taken down (trust me, I know as I picked up 51 large signs yesterday) but your efforts are appreciated in doing so.
Blaine Anderson Oldham County GOP Chairman